Monday, October 25, 2021

I prefer folks who have actually served their country rather than themselves.

Personal opinion, not representing any organization with which I am affiliated:

In one corner, there is a former President who continues to tell lies about free and fair elections. A former president who referred to sexual escapades as his own personal Vietnam, while avoiding the draft due to a questionable health deferral. Maybe those bone spurs were acting up as he hobbled down the ramp after the West Point graduation.

In the other corner, we have folks like former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former SECDEFs Mattis and Gates, and Senator McCain.

They have each spoken very clearly about the danger the former President poses to our Republic. Each of them, due to their long years of service, have made decisions, comments and issued directives that can be criticized. But nothing they have said or done has come close to the dishonor and damage to our country the former president has inflicted upon this great country.

Unfortunately, we have a minority, but still a significant portion of the population, who'd rather listen to the angry, self-aggrandizing lies of a man with a track record that speaks for itself relative to 

-his attitudes about honesty in business dealings, or government dealings

-treating allies poorly and autocratic dictators with reverence, 

-treating women as unworthy of respect, 

-wanting credit for a vaccine while simultaneously downplaying the tragedy of hundreds of thousands dead from a contagious disease, and 

-a chillingly effective attack on the free press.

If the warning words of great men like Powell, Mattis, Gates and McCain continue to be ignored, the damage from 6 Jan 2021 will look like child's play as the actions of the misguided in thrall to this terrible man escalate.

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