Saturday, May 23, 2020

Prisoners of Geography, Tim Marshall

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics, by Tim Marshall.

Enjoyed reading this one as encouraged by a colleague from my Army War College experience. We had participated in the Commandant's Reading Program, and he had set up a similar seminar-type reading and discussion group with his Air Force team.  Thankfully, he invited me and a few others to participate. I unfortunately was not able to make the Zoom chat with the author due to work engagements, but enjoyed the read.

Biggest point: understanding the size of Africa.
Second biggest point for me: understanding the dynamics of the Arctic- with things literally melting down up there, geopolitics are interesting, and it is not that big a deal that we don't have as many icebreakers up there- there are many factors to consider.

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