Sunday, July 07, 2019

American Lion, Andrew Jackson in the White House, by Jon Meacham

Read it, enjoyed it enough to entertain reading more Meacham work.

Felt like it found a nice balance between singing his praises and acknowledging some of the contradictions/problems or even sins, such as policies and actions relative to native Americans and slaves.

Does a nice job of telling a personal story of the man, those around him, and also helping give a sense of America in this era. In particular, gave me more insights into the South Carolina politics of the day which pointed towards the Civil War.

Plenty of lessons for today's leaders about character, selflessness, respect for women and children. Admirable not just for his work as President, but successful military career, came from humble beginnings as well. Just as today, robust dialogue about the role of the President having more power than was necessarily intended by the founding fathers/framers of the Constitution.

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